
Instagram Adds More Features To Love

Instagram Adds More Features To Love

It’s safe to say Instagram has been the most trending social media platform throughout 2017 with tonnes of new updates and functions being rolled out almost monthly.

For this week’s blog, we bring you the exciting new features Instagram has released for the final month of the year.

Story Highlights

Absolutely love the story you posted on Instagram stories and wish you could view it forever? Well, good news, with Instagram’s latest update you can!

Story highlights is a brand new function that lives on your Instagram profile page which enables you to pin a carousel of your favourite Instagram stories to the top of your profile, allowing followers to view the stories again and again.

Why you should try it: Adding highlights to a user’s profile enables the user to give followers a glimpse into their unedited life.

Story Archives

The second update is also story related and as the name suggests you can now archive your stories. Instagram, who previously enabled the ability to archive posts has now extended this function to the user’s story posts.

Stories, which traditionally disappeared forever after 24 hours, will now be saved to a private part of your profile once they disappear from public view. To find your story archives, go to your profile and click on the clock icon found in the top right-hand corner, next to the bookmark icon.

Why you should try it: The archived stories will remain private and will only be able to be viewed by you. If you would like to share them again with your followers you have the ability to add them to your ‘Story Highlight’s feature on your page.

If you would prefer your story’s not to be saved you can easily switch this option off by going into your settings and turning off the ‘save to archive’ toggle.

Join Live Requests

Instagram has also added a button to their Live stories to allow multi-user streaming. The newly added button enables friends to “request” to join in on a live stream.

Once accepted the video is divided in half to allow views to see both streamers. An important thing to note is that multi-user streaming can only be used between two friends, so someone you do not follow back cannot request to join your live feed.

Not sure how to create an Instagram live story? Check out the step-by-step guide here.


Check out how to use some of the other features Instagram has released this year:

Poll your followers on demand.

Turn your Instagram into a business platform.

Want to use these exciting updates for your business?

Let’s talk.


See you next week,



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