PPC Marketing

We focus on metrics that matter.

When you don’t have a paid ads strategy, Pay-Per-Click advertising can be expensive.

A properly managed campaign will bring a better return on your money. By super focused keyword targeting and google ad targeting, we make sure your pay-per-click campaign budget is managed efficiently and competitively.

Custom pay-per-click marketing strategies to suit your budget and objectives

We design a custom campaign strategy for every client. This covers the most relevant advertising networks such as Google, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and includes search engine networks, display networks, content discovery networks, remarketing and paid social media.

Results-focused marketing plans

Reach the people who matter most to you.

Ensure your ads reach the exact audience you want using our precise targeting options.


Target people based in specific locations such as regions, cities states or countries.


Narrow your audience based on information such as age, gender and languages.


Reach people based on interests such as the apps they use, ads they click on and accounts they follow.


Define your audience by activities they do on and off Instagram and Facebook.

Custom Audiences

Run ads to customers you already know based on their email addresses or phone numbers.

Lookalike Audiences

Find new people who are similar to your existing customers.

Automated Targeting

We help you quickly create an audience who might be interested in your business using a variety of signals including location, demographics and interests.

Book a marketing consultation to uncover your marketing needs.

Facebook Ads

With countless advertising options available on the Facebook Ads platform, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with choice and be sidetracked to ‘get more likes’, that simply don’t move the needle.

With increased competition in the Facebook organic space, it is vital to run successful Facebook Ads to support your marketing goals and organic social media strategy.

With the right Facebook Ads strategy in place, your brand can be in front of the right audience, at the right time, generating sales, leads or brand awareness.

Our paid ad specialists do this through highly targeted, strategic Facebook ads that provide value to your audience and build a relationship with your audience.

Facebook ads

Instagram Ads

Instagram is one of the fastest growing marketing tools, but many brands aren’t leveraging it effectively. We pair engaging content with digital smarts to drive traffic, sales and leads.

At least 30% of Instagram users have purchased a product or service they first discovered on Instagram in 2020. The platform is becoming one of the preferred social media channels for businesses. Its ease of use, enjoyability and solid conversion rate made that happen.


Get results, regardless of your industry

Instagram marketing has been a disruptive advertising tool for the eCommerce and lead-generation industries. That doesn’t mean service-based businesses shouldn’t take advantage of the strategic Instagram Ad options available to businesses and brands.

LinkedIn Ads

With over 675 million professionals a month using LinkedIn to network, connect, advertise and converse, it’s the absolutely ideal platform for B2B marketing.

Originally created as a jobs marketplace, it’s evolved into the biggest online professional hub. Whether you’re growing brand awareness, generating high-quality leads, promoting your content or building brand authority and expertise, working with a LinkedIn advertising agency is the most efficient way to do it.

If your primary goal is to build brand awareness, LinkedIn’s advertising is the perfect way to do it. A professional browsing their LinkedIn feed wants to see new, relevant and high-value content that they may not have come across without advertising. By utilising LinkedIn ads to push your content, even if that’s just a long-form native post, you can position yourself as an expert in the space and build authority for your personal brand.


Google Ads

Google Ads is a great investment for your business. Eighty-six per cent of consumers use the internet to find a local business. Consumers are searching and Google has 71% of the search market share. Google receives 63,000 searches per second! If a campaign is structured and managed professionally, businesses can experience excellent growth in a short period of time.

To get the most out of Google Adwords there are a number of different moving parts that have to be set up correctly. These include, but are not limited to:
– Keywords
– Bids
– Ad copy
– Landing pages
– Device bid adjustments
– Conversion tracking
– A/B testing for ads and landing pages
– Bidding strategies
– Remarketing

Google Adwords agencies like The K.I.S.S. Marketing Agency use all of these techniques plus more in order to guarantee that you are getting the absolute most out of your campaigns.


Convert window shoppers into actual shoppers. The more ad impressions a user sees, the more likely they are to convert. Presenting them with strategic, gentle reminders about your business will build their trust in your brand.

Remarketing is a powerful digital marketing tactic which allows you to target users who have visited your website. This means that you’re displaying your ads to people who are already interested in your product and familiar with your brand, which dramatically increases your chances of conversion. The ability to keep your name in front of a potential customer by retargeting them after they leave your site, and while they browse other shopping sites, is a brilliant advertising psychology that can deliver a massive return on investment.

We work with you to come up with an irresistible offer for each customer.

Take it even further with dynamic remarketing

Google’s dynamic remarketing takes this even one step further. Dynamic remarketing allows you to show previous visitors ads that feature the specific products they viewed on your website. For example, a user may have abandoned their shopping cart and not completed the checkout process. You can now follow up and give them a gentle nudge to finish buying the product in which you know they showed interest.

Salvage sales that you may have lost

Remarketing and retargeting are clever tactics that allow you to gain business you may have previously lost. Remarketing can be set up through Google Adwords which uses the Google Display Network. However, we also specialise in remarketing campaigns using social media such as Instagram or Facebook. Our diverse experience means that we can build you multidimensional campaigns that display your ads to previous visitors across Google as well as when they view YouTube videos and even in their Facebook news feeds.

The K.I.S.S. approach to PPC

How we solve the pain points. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam era.

We start by listening.

We create a winning strategy.


We have a collaborative approach.


We continuously and systematically watch.

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