
What Facebook’s new logo means for small business

What Facebook’s new logo means for small business

Yep. You read correctly. Facebook has updated its logo. To be fair, it was a subtle change, but significant for Facebook. And when you look closely, there are distinct differences.

Out with the old, in with the new

Here’s the old Vs. new Facebook logo.

new vs old facebook logo


For the design buffs, you’ll notice the tweak of Facebook’s iconic Klavika typeface. The font change now includes a single-deck ‘a’ and a more organic stem on the letter ‘b’, while the iconic ‘f’ remains instantly recognisable.


This is big for Facebook. Although there have been changes to the logo over time, this is the first time in ten years that Facebook has changed their typeface. But why?


The change was bought about by Facebook’s aim to appear ‘”more friendly,” And according to Facebook the new typeface is a better reflection of where the company is now and the direction they are headed.


What small business can learn from the Facebook brand revision


Your brand is not a static design element. Rather, it’s a living breathing entity. Which means it’s always evolving. But that doesn’t mean doing a redesign because purple is the flavor of the month.


Consistency is still paramount in building a solid brand. Facebook for example took ten years to do their first major typography change since the inception of “The Facebook” in 2004.


Can small business brands be consistent, and still evolve?


Absolutely. For small businesses to evolve without making constant (and expensive) design changes, a regular brand audit should be conducted. A brand audit uncovers the current state of your brand and its effectiveness in achieving business objectives.


A good brand audit determines where the brand strengths lie and identifies potential weaknesses. Only after a brand audit is conducted, should any design decisions be made.


Next week, we’ll discuss the steps you need to take to conduct a brand audit.

Would you like to audit your brand?

Let’s talk.


See you next week


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