
The ultimate guide to podcasts for brands

The ultimate guide to podcasts for brands

If you’re not comfortable or confident making videos, a podcast is a great alternative to the many variables involved in video marketing.

Creating a great podcast for your business will build awareness across new audiences and communities interested in your business. It’s also easier to produce a consistent podcast each week than blog posts and is a great opportunity to re-purpose content.

Time and budget friendly

Creating a Podcast doesn’t need to break the bank. All you need is a computer, a quality microphone, a desk, and a good topic, your computer may already have a simple editing software installed.

When not organised properly podcasts can take a lot of work. However, if you organise guests, editing, publishing, promotions, transcription and show notes, all you have to do is show up and talk.

Easy to engage with

Podcasts are highly engaging and interactive and allows the speaker to convey their message in a way not allowed by written content. You can speak directly to your listeners who will, for the most part, listen to the entire podcast, and if they like the content continue listening to the next!

Build relationships, authority and trust with your audience

People listen to podcasts because they share a commonality with the podcaster, building trust and engagement.

Podcasts are educational so create authority and position you as the expert in your subject field.

Reasons to not start a Podcast

Podcasts don’t suit everyone, so if your show feels like a hard-sell marketing exercise, no one will listen. It is important not to force your product or service on your customers and think of ideas that are related to your offering.

4 tips to make ensure your Podcast doesn’t flop

  1. Have a strong WiFi connection so that your quality is high
  2. Distribute your podcast across multiple channels to a wider audience
  3. Don’t plagiarise anyone else’s hard work- be unique!
  4. Ensure you have your audiences’ email details so that you can send them your podcast

Remember to have fun!


Our favourite podcasts:

Social Media Examiner

The Goal Digger

What’s your favourite podcast? Let us know if the comments below.


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