
Targeting the right customers to win the right business.

Targeting the right customers to win the right business.

It happens. You wait for the phone to ring and when it finally does, the enquiry doesn’t hit your sweet spot. Or perhaps you’ve been at a networking event and you have trouble concisely explaining what it is you actually do.

Where to start

Getting the wrong type of enquiry, or blank looks at networking events can mean a range of things. But like anything, the best place to start is from the beginning.

Your brand.

Brand is what people (and customers) attach to from the get-go. If your brand misses the mark, then no doubt you’re missing customers.

The customer

To build a successful brand, look outside as well as in. Define who your customer is. Paint a clear picture of the type of customer you are trying to attract and get to know them. Go deeper than geographical locations and role types. Explore their needs, wants, and buying motivations.

Brand proposition

By getting to know your customer you can create powerful and irresistible marketing messages. A strong brand proposition cuts through the noise of competitors talk directly to your ideal customer.


Once you have a clear picture of your customer and the messages they need to hear, you can then create a marketing strategy that will attract and retain your ideal customers.

Want better quality customers? Let’s talk.

See you next week,


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