Why spend money on a logo when you get one for fifty bucks? A quick Google search and you can actually get five for five bucks! A bargain when you’re a small business looking for something you can whack on a couple of business cards and drop into your website.
Remember: everything comes at a cost.
As tempting as it is – consider the following:
You won’t own your identity
For $50 you would be crazy to think that somewhere in the world there is a designer slaving away creating a bespoke design just for you. The “designers” are using templates, simply drop your name in and wallah! A brand new logo.
Be prepared to have zero impact
Template logos have all been seen before. You know one when you see it. They are becoming so generic that there is no “wow”, no connection and certainly no memorability.
The “internet” doesn’t know your business
No matter how well you think you have briefed them, the designer doesn’t have a clue about what you do, the market you are trying to reach and what message you are trying to reach them with.
Someone will have your logo
Similar to point one, while the designer will be pumping out different versions of your logo all over the world, other small business owners will be buying them up. So before you know it there will be lots of pseudo versions of you and your business all over the world.
A logo isn’t a brand
The difference between a brand and a logo is a whole new blog discussion BUT one thing that brand delivers that logos don’t is a story, a message and an emotive expectation that your audience can attach to. Without all of that the brand is simply a logo.
Case in point
542 Partners approached K.I.S.S after being lured by the $50 internet trap. One coffee later and I could prove to them while their logo had a good foundation they deserved better. Granted, they are accountants. But they aren’t boring nor are they navy blue boxes. So why should they communicate that? For a small investment these guys went from a drab typical accountant logo to a complete brand identity including a clear message and a razor sharp look and feel. You be the judge:
So if you are a small business trying to pinch those pennies don’t scrimp on your brand identity. It’s the first and last impression your business makes. If you need to save money – talk to the guys at 542: after all they are accountants.
See you next week,
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Next week: Next week we’ll talking about how to increase your website traffic in just 24 hours.