
Growing your small business the K.I.S.S way

Growing your small business the K.I.S.S way

To really assess business growth, once in a while small business owners need to take a step back and see the woods for the trees. Easier said than done right?

The challenges facing small businesses vary from establishing a brand, to managing cash flow or tapping into new markets. But one characteristic always remains:  business owners don’t have the luxury of stepping back, taking a breather and looking at the bigger picture. It it can be difficult to ‘let go’, but taking a step back is fundamental to successful business growth.

The K.I.S.S approach to business growth

Know your vision

The first step is to look at where you’re heading and where you want to be. To nut out a great vision it helps to know your values. Values are intrinsic to your business culture. If you took everything away – what would your business stand for? Align your values to your vision, and keep this top of mind in every decision you make.

Know your position

Look at the industry you operate in. Assess if you business fills a niche. Sanity check your messages to market: are they doing a good job at differentiating you from your competition?

Your brand from the inside out

As Barbra Streisand once sung, people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Babs was right: your brand needs people. And you’re lucky if you got the good-uns. Look at your people, the skills and how they represent your brand. If they’re not advocates for your band then you need to shape them up or ship them out. But remember: it might not be your people’s fault. If you haven’t instilled a clear culture that staff can attach to, how can they be brand advocates?

Marketing genius

To grow a small business – any business – align the brand and its people. If you’re aligned: take your message to market. And add some strokes of marketing genius. Look at all marketing opportunities. You may need to change, start or stop your current marketing. Build a marketing plan and don’t cut corners.

Need help? Let’s talk.

See you next week,


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