
Brand: to grow your business

Brand: to grow your business

This month we’ve started working with two local businesses looking to “get it right” in 2014. Both businesses have been operating for over 10 years and enjoyed a monopoly in the good old days but are facing 2014 with fresh competition. Both businesses approached K.I.S.S for help with “marketing” but weren’t sure where to start. After initial discussions, we quickly uncovered that brand needed serious thought.

Brand beyond the logo
Whenever the brand conversation is raised businesses owners say “but I like my logo”.  Which is great, but brand goes beyond the logo. Anyone that’s worked with us will know that logo is but a part of a brand. The messaging, voice and strategy is what transforms the humble logo into a true brand identity.

When you reach beyond the logo you build a brand that connects with pinpoint accuracy to the people you want to do business with. Once this connection is established and reinforced with marketing, your business will grow. Don’t forget: building a strong brand that connects with customers will also connect with people you’ll need to work for you. Your brand needs to attract good talent, if it has any chance of growing in the future.

Here’s how

Positioning pinpoints the ONE thing that makes you unique, when compared with your competitors. This is hard as your competition will promise much of what you promise to market. The trick is to uncover a strong point of difference that sets you apart from the noise and makes you irresistible to your market and potential resources.

Once you know what your juicy bit of irresistibility is, you need to form razor sharp messages around your positioning that signals to your market you can meet their needs. Remember they may not have an immediate need now, but a powerful brand will be remembered for when that need arises.

Tone is so important in brand. It’s a tricky thing to master but once the perfect tone is set, it will inform so many marketing initiatives to help set make you different. Think about the tone you take in your copy, content and conversations and make them consistent to connect beautifully with your audience.

Still not convinced? Let’s talk.

See you next week,


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