
Turning Plans Into Actions: 4 Tips to Execute Your Campaign Strategy With Ease

Turning Plans Into Actions: 4 Tips to Execute Your Campaign Strategy With Ease

Last week, we discussed planning and building a foundation for your marketing campaign. This week, we’re talking about the fun stuff: execution.

Now you have the winning game plan, it’s time action it.

4 Tips to execute your campaign strategy with ease.


1. Be flexible

Even if you’ve spent hours ensuring your plan is bullet proof, there will always be variables that alter the course of your campaign. These are often beyond your control, so instead of trying to fight them off and steadfastly sticking to your plan no matter what, be flexible and don’t be scared to adjust it.

2. Do you have the right people?

When implementing your plan, make sure you have the right people in the right roles.

Understanding your business’s capacity, will make implementation much easier. If you don’t have the resources to implement your plan, you may need to outsource work to an agency or marketing professional.

3. If outsourcing, avoid overlaps

Know your role and the role of any third parties; like an agency.

Is the agency posting to social media on your behalf? Are you providing photos or is the agency handling image sourcing?

Having a set role and delivering what is expected, will make for an efficient process and avoid double handling.

4. Don’t set and forget!

The secret to success is to consistently monitor, maintain and adjust your campaign accordingly, to ensure you are meeting the campaign objectives.

However; don’t expect fireworks overnight. Results can take time so don’t expect a flood of sales, or a viral response seconds after launch.


Are you ready to execute your killer campaign?



See you next week,

The K.I.S.S Team.


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