
How to turn your next presentation into marketing gold

How to turn your next presentation into marketing gold

As people are relentlessly bombarded with thousands of marketing messages a day, it’s a tough job presenting to an audience. Hoping against all hope, that at least a morsel of what you say makes a lasting impression.


And in small business, impressions count. Regardless if you’re presenting to two or two hundred people, the right approach can ensure you cut through the noise and create a long lasting impression.


Turning your next presentation into marketing gold


Appeal to sight, sound and surroundings

Activate these three senses by sprinkling them into your presentation. Embed video or audio or take your presentation off the screen and show an idea within the presentation space such as on a flip chart or interact with the audience.


Word of warning: while appealing to the senses is great, don’t create a sensory overload. Be careful not to distract your audience from engaging with your idea.


Repeat to reinforce

Reinforce key points with repetition to maintain focus and memory. But that doesn’t mean bore your audience to death by repeating the same ideas every slide. Give your audience the heads up that they’ll hear some key points throughout the presentation or rely on some audience interaction and queue them to repeat it with you.


Emotional impact

Make your presentation memorable by using digestible graphics, images, and facts. By making your presentation memorable and invoking an emotive response, you are more likely to motivate your audience to take action (=marketing gold!).


Tell the story

Unlike facts, which can come across cold, stories engage and inspire. Your audience can relate to them and you can use them in a way to illustrate points and help people make an emotional connection with the message.


Take the audience through an emotional journey that creates a reason to make a buying decision.


Need help creating a presentation impression?

Let’s talk.


See you next week



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