When you invest time, money and effort to display at a trade show, you need to amplify your experience to get the biggest bang for your buck. Careful planning and research go a long way towards ensuring success at your next trade show.
Why trade shows?
Trade shows help build your brand, generate sales leads, and strengthen relationships with customers and key prospects. Trade shows get you valuable face-time with the most buyers in the shortest time. That’s why trade shows continue to grow, even with the rise of digital.
5 tips to amplify your trade show investment
Do your homework
Go to the trade show website at least three weeks before the show starts and download the list of exhibitors, guest speakers and sponsors. Knowing who the draw cards are gives great insight into your potential customers needs and wants.
Get social
Review your list and scope out potential networking opportunities. If you’re shy, break the ice on social media to go in warm. Follow the trade show on Twitter and the event’s hashtag. Join the conversation and amplify your brand away from your booth.
Dig deeper
When people stop by your stand, find out who you’re talking to: what is their job title? Trade shows are notorious for a lack of decision-makers. Don’t waste time with tyre kickers.
Ask the tough stuff
Don’t be afraid to ask what they’re looking for. Try asking “What are you hoping to get out of today’s show?” and don’t forget: have they got a budget? Don’t be afraid to ask.
Follow up
Once you’ve sorted the real leads, make a mark on their business card or snip the corner off – so you know to follow them up when you get back to the office.
Trade show coming up?
Let’s talk.
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