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Facebook live: terrorism and violence
Social media has come under fire at the recent G20 summit in Japan on the issue of terror and violence in the wake of the Christchurch attacks in March.
Prime minister, Scott Morrison secured a deal to block violent terrorism across social media.
Whilst the G20 summit doesn’t legally bind social media companies, we do anticipate government intervention if serious measures are not taken by the big players in social media.
Top fan targeting
Facebook has launched ‘top fan’ targeting for organic Facebook posts in addition to interest based targeting options, similar to ad targeting.
We are excited see this feature roll out across our client’s pages and trial new tactics such as offering specific content and offers to top fans. However, with small businesses already anxious over reach of their posts and user concerns over who is appearing in their feed, it will be interesting to see if this feature sticks around.
Twitter introduces contextual search
Searching just got easier with the additional of contextual information in Twitter searches.
Long story short, if you are looking to find a user on Twitter, you will now be aided by additional information such as who is following that user and how recently they’ve tweeted.
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