
The latest in marketing news

The latest in marketing news


Say goodbye to bullies on Instagram 👋🏼

In recent news, Instagram test a feature to “shadow ban” comments from users on your photos. By shadow banning, the comment is only visible to you and the person who posted it…. They won’t be any the wiser.

Bullies will now also be warned before they post something that seems to be offensive with Instagram asking “Are you sure you want to post this? We’re asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported.”

We’ll keep you posted on a roll out to business accounts too.

Three NEW campaign objectives in LinkedIn

The latest upgrade to LinkedIn Campaign Manager sees the addition of three new objective options: Brand Awareness, Website Conversions, Job Applicants. LinkedIn explains that the reason for the change is to help marketers achieve their more complex business goals.

We love seeing updates to platforms that provide more access to measure performance. Have you used these new campaign objectives? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Read more on the updates here.

Invite only. Google tests a new social networking tool.

Google is testing a social networking app called Shoelace. Not everyone is invited to try it just yet though…

Shoelace is testing the notion of bringing people together in the real world 🤯 based on their activities and interests. The app provides suggestions every day on nearby happenings to give people a reason to meet up.

Google doesn’t have the best history with social networking or mobile messaging, so we’ll be interested to see how this goes. Read more on the app here .

Keep it simple with this handy image converter.

This handy free link allows you to upload an image and have it converted into all the different image specs at once. From Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, to You Tube, Snapchat and Pinterest.

Head here to check it out. Have you found any useful tools? Let us know in the comments section below.

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