
Optimising your mobile website experience the easy way

Optimising your mobile website experience the easy way

Like any good web master, you look for new opportunities to update your website. You understand that making regular changes to your site is great for your user experience and for optimisation across Google.

A killer digital presence is vital to survive online. With Google announcing early last year the number of searches on mobile devices officially surpassed desktop computers, having a great mobile user experience is more than just saying your site is mobile-friendly. It’s about ensuring what visitors experience across your site, works and works well when they are on their mobile device.

Here’s how.

  1. Log onto your website using the Chrome browser.



  3. Right click on the page you want to view from a mobile device


  4. Click Inspect 


  6. This will take you to the raw coded elements of the website, also known as the Dev Tools window. 


  7. To view what your website visitors experience from a mobile device hold down Shift + Command + M


  8. Not all devices are created equal.

    To inspect what your website looks like from varying mobile devices simply navigate to the top of the page and click responsive. A drop down menu will appear to view the responsiveness of your website from different devices. 


  10. To customise the selection of device options, click edit and select your preferred devices.



Want to supercharge your mobile website experience?

Let’s talk.


See you next week,



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