
Let’s get ‘reel’ with the latest Instagram update.

Let’s get ‘reel’ with the latest Instagram update.

Discover the latest update from Instagram that’s bound to shake up TikTok, plus we give you some great email marketing tips as you start to get you started on your Christmas campaigns.

Instagram launches ‘Reels” mode.

TikTok’s momentum hasn’t gone unnoticed by Instagram as they go head to head with the launch of Reels mode. Replicating the key function of TikTok, Instagram’s Reels feature will be within Stories. You can create short videos that can be remixed (just like TikTok 😜) with music, variable playback speed and ghosting which will allow seamless scene transitions.

Do’s and Don’ts for your next email campaign

As we head into the silly season, make sure your email marketing stays on point. Check out these 10 email marketing Do’s and Don’ts before you get started.

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