In a time when capturing your audience’s attention is increasingly difficult, utilising key calendar dates to leverage buzz and build awareness is proving a successful strategy for many brands.
Key dates, Seasons and Holidays
Christmas. New Year. Valentine’s Day. Mother’s Day. Summer: all major calendar events that create buzz and get us all excited for ‘that time of year again’.
Marketing around key dates on the calendar opens up an opportunity to be creative with your messaging and targeting to generate greater return on investment with your campaigns. However, to avoid damaging your brand and simply adding to the noise, you must strategically choose which events to align with.
Ensure you plan your ideas in advance, allowing enough time to generate well-executed, polished content.
K.I.S.S tip: Map out your year. Bring your calendar to life by highlighting the key dates, seasons and holidays. Set measurable goals and reflect on learnings from year’s seasonal campaign. What can you do differently and how can you improve?
Avoid clichés with relevant, engaging creative
It’s easy to get sucked into the ‘cliché’ content ideas when executing a seasonal campaign.
Don’t forget who you are and what you’re about: it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of holiday events, however your content still needs to reflect your brand personality.
K.I.S.S tip: Be prepped. Run through next year’s calendar allow yourself and your team to think outside the box. List the top three most common ideas and think of three more that are completely different.
Seasons can form PART of your content strategy, but shouldn’t BE your content strategy
Depending on your business, there may be some key dates or seasonal holidays where you choose not to participate. Know when to pull back from the hype and save budget for times of the year that truly matter to your customers and your business.
K.I.S.S tip: Create your own content calendar: Your calendar should consider relevant content for your brand, industry and customers.
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