
It’s time to spring clean your digital platforms

It’s time to spring clean your digital platforms

When is the last time you have checked your opening hours on Google or updated your Facebook cover images? If you’re furiously Googling your business, then it was too long ago.

These things can be easily forgotten when the day-to-day business tasks get in the way. Now that Spring has sprung its time to clean the house. The digital way.


6 tips to spring clean your digital platforms


Freshen up cover images

Changing your Facebook and LinkedIn cover images is the easiest way to revive your social media pages. Cover videos are also a great content option to engage and freshen up your Facebook.

K.I.S.S Tip: Re-sizing your images to meet the criteria will ensure your chosen picture displays clearly. To find the right image size for your post, check out our Why size matters blog.


Refresh your social media ad creative

Your Facebook and Instagram ads may be performing well however your audience may be getting tired of the same old imagery. Update your images with engaging and visually appealing content.

K.I.S.S Tip: Utilise short videos in your ads to increase engagement.


Revise your organic social media schedule

When your social media posts are getting repetitive, this is a sign you need a revised and fresh content plan.

K.I.S.S Tip: Invite your team to participate in a brainstorm to pool fresh ideas and concepts.


Clean your email database

Revise your data base to ensure there’s no column left un-touched. If there are columns left blank, this can cause errors when sending email blasts.


Remove ex-staff members from social feeds and admins

If your social channels are not up to date, there could be previous staff members still promoted on your channels. This is especially relevant for business LinkedIn accounts.

K.I.S.S Tip: Ensure previous employees have been removed as admins and your passwords changed when they leave.


Check details on your Google listing

When people want quick information about your business, such as opening hours, location and phone numbers, they are most likely to look at the first Google listing that comes up. Make sure your current opening hours and location is updated.

K.I.S.S Tip: To find out how to update your listing check out Google’s handy article here.


Need help giving your social channels a refresh?



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