Welcome and thanks for stopping by! Just by doing so, you have made history. It’s the first ever K.I.S.S Marketing Agency Blog. Ever.
So… what to write.
As a marketer (and a content marketer at that!) I am armed with a watertight content strategy jam packed with topics that will have light bulb moments sparking in the brains of small business owners across the country. Topics that tick all the boxes of blogging 101: They hit with pinpoint relevancy and evoke thought and discussion, plenty of “how-tos” and “Spotlights on..” [insert awesomely relevant pain point here]. But I must admit – I feel a little exposed when it comes to writing the very first blog post. So surely others must have been in my position. Right? Well seemingly wrong. A quick Google search uncovered plenty of the aforementioned boxes to tick on blog writing but not much outside the obvious on your first blog post.
Cue: First light bulb moment
The K.I.S.S rules to nailing your launch blog post
If you are thinking about launching your first blog post, just like we have – here are 4 sure fire content ideas to make sure your readers keep reading.
1. Set up the blog for future blog posts
What will you be talking about, who should be reading it and how often?
K.I.S.S will be talking weekly about content marketing, digital marketing, brand and strategy specifically for small-medium sized businesses.
2. Tell your audience why they should read your blog
A bit “salesy” but a fair call. If your readers don’t see a good reason to read on, they won’t be coming back next week.
As a small business, we know it’s hard to stay on top of things. We do the hard yards for you and present weekly marketing tips, how-tos and opinions on marketing for small-medium sized businesses.
3. Make it short and sweet: tease for the next post
No one wants to read a yawn-fest. Make it short, sweet and to the point.
Not one to break our own rules – this post is just about to wrap up.
4. Don’t self-indulge
People are not as passionate about the reasons behind your blog as you are. If they want more information tell them how to contact you or link to your website. After all that’s the point of the blog right?
Couldn’t have said it better ourselves! If you want to find out about K.I.S.S call us for a chat! Or check out the website. For now though we thought you would find these four practical points a better reflection of what you can come to expect from us.
Not one to break our own rules, I am going to leave it here. I do hope you come back next week – where we will start our journey to business marketing success.
See you then.
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Next week: Next week we’ll be looking at a trap most small business fall into: the lure of the $50 logo.