
How to build a killer campaign that really works

How to build a killer campaign that really works

Creating the perfect campaign for your brand, all starts with the right planning.

While campaigns can be short term, you must keep the long-term marketing and brand strategy in mind, so you ensure your campaign activity will always align with the bigger picture.


Check out these five tips help you build a killer campaign that really works.


  1. Choose an objective based on desired results

When choosing a campaign objective think about what you want to achieve.

Are you introducing your market to a new (or current) product or service, building brand awareness or trying to increase sales?


2. Narrow your focus to widen the outcomes

Define who your audience is. The tighter your audience targeting is, the more chance you have of spending the right budget with the right people who want to buy.


3. Allocate the right amount to the right people

And speaking of budget…When allocating budget to your campaign consider, if you have the capacity to manage your campaign yourself, in-house, or if you need someone to manage it for you.

The budget you allocate can often determine not only who is managing the campaign, but how successful the campaign is at meeting the objective you set out to achieve.


4. Understand your target market to choose the right channels

Depending on who you are targeting will determine the channels you choose to push your campaign.

From digital channels like social media, email marketing, SMS to print channels like newspaper advertising, print and more, don’t waste budget advertising on channels where your audience is not engaging.


5. Testing… testing 1, 2, AB

When planning your campaign, always keep a note that you should have plans in place for A/B testing when you are implementing your campaign to see what does and doesn’t work for future campaigns.


Are you ready to start planning the perfect campaign?



See you next week,

The Team at K.I.S.S


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