
Google asked to explain… and does.

Google asked to explain… and does.

This week we’re discussing Google’s Explanations, Facebook’s new feature and the top logo design trends for 2020.

New year and new news!

Google’s Explanations

Google Ads has launched a new beta feature, “Explanations”, which provides insights as to WHY campaign performance is the way it is.

This is music to marketers ears, as understanding numbers and CTRs is great, but understanding why it happens, is completely different (and the inevitable question from clients or the powers that be).

Explanations let’s you view the most likely reasons for impression, click, and cost changes freeing up time for more important things, like optimisation!

Google Explanations is in Beta, and will be rolled out over the coming month.

10 Logo design trends for 2020

The team from Logaster share their 10 logo design trends for 2020 in this infographic.

Here’s what makes their list:

  • Simplification
  • Original geometry
  • Unusual fonts
  • Gradients
  • Cluttered design
  • Chaotic arrangement
  • Geometric letters
  • Emblems
  • Scaling
  • Text destruction

Check out the infographic for more detail.

Facebook releases new Tab

Facebook has added a new tab to its Page settings which provides an overview of actions taken by Page admins, including Page role allocations, contact information, Business Manager relationships, and more.

Read the full article here.


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