
The Fashion Industry and Instagram

The Fashion Industry and Instagram

The undeniable love between Instagram and the fashion industry is perfectly summed up by the most liked Instagram image of the last five years; the selfie of model Kendall Jenner lying on the floor in a lace dress with her hair arranged around her into heart shapes. It gained 3.1 million likes by itself. More than 10,000 Instagram users also used the hashtag “hearthair”, to share their own versions of the image.

Instagram is hugely influential in the world of fashion with Instagram reporting that in September 2015 (when the Spring 2016 fashions collections debuted) engagement reached 44 million unique accounts and had 360 million interactions.

The social media platform has also created a whole generation of “Insta-Models” who are part of the Millennial generation using Instagram as a tool to build their own personal brand. Such is the power of utilising Instagram to drive engagement that these “Insta-Models” can be paid up to $300,000 dollars per post by big brands.

For a more in-depth look at Instagram and its influence on the fashion industry; see this infographic created by Evoke.ie

Infographic- How Influential is Instagram on the Fashion Industry

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