
Boosting sales with email marketing this holiday season

Boosting sales with email marketing this holiday season

December. Peak holiday season. And for many businesses particularly retail (both online and bricks and mortar), peak trading time. It’s time ramp up the email marketing. Gift guides, special offers and seasonal products start landing in our inboxes in the hope of monopolising the Christmas rush.

Getting your email noticed in the Christmas avalanche

In a snowball of emails, how can your email stand out in a cluttered inbox? And make sales? Simple.

Make. It. Easy.

Follow these simple tips and get your email marketing generating holiday ROI.

Make it easy to buy

Simplify the purchasing process for customers. Include prominent links in your holiday emails that enable customers to easily access the purchasing page with one easy click.

Make it easy to think

If you provide valuable (time saving) email content that makes it easy for to buy for loved ones, why wouldn’t your customers purchase from you? Create gift guides with selections of your products for parents, grand parents, children, friends, husbands, wives and co workers. By personalising gift lists, you will drive sales and simplify things for your customers.

Make it easy to save

People love a bargain. And they’re more likely to make a purchase when they know they’re getting a good deal.

Make it easy to read

Make sure your emails are mobile friendly and easy to read. Your audience will most likely be reading emails from a mobile device, which could also mean potential sales. If your email (and website) isn’t mobile friendly then you might be missing sales opportunities.

The copy in your email should be direct and to the point. By using simple, easy to understand language your customers will be more likely to buy. Include call to actions that tell your audience what to do next: “click here”, “buy now” and “view our range” are all great holiday call to actions.

Need to call in the pros? Let’s talk.

See you next week for the last blog of 2014,


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