
A marketers guide to creating killer Snapchat content

A marketers guide to creating killer Snapchat content


In July last year, we blogged about the rise of Snapchat. Watching the continued adoption of Snapchat has been fascinating and already in the last 6 months we’ve integrated Snapchat into quite a few of our clients social media marketing mix.


In the last six months, as the platform evolves, so does the opportunity for marketers. Check out our guide to creating killer Snapchat campaigns below.


A marketers guide to creating killer Snapchat content


Know your audience

The typical Snapchatter is aged 13-23. If your market doesn’t fall into that, don’t bother with Snapchat.


Don’t add to the noise

Cut through the noise by creating a temporary impression, one that is truly of (and in) the moment and entertains and engages your audience.


Evoke the 5-second rule

Snapchatters want it fast and to the point. They can tap past your story in 1 second, so make your snaps in your stories 5 seconds OR LESS.


Quality visuals

Sure Snapchat has an element of brassiness to it. And Snapchatters expect amateur photos (it is a mobile app after all), but make the experience and the visual as surprising as possible. Take the time to line up your shots, use the filters provided and wow your audience!


Stay on brand

Don’t risk tarnishing your brand identity for the sake of a few Snapchats. Ensure your voice, look and feel is aligned with your brand message.


Tell a story

Social media is ALL about story telling. So make your Snapchat stories have a beginning, middle and end. Increase engagement with humour and behind the scenes snaps – exclusive to your Snapchat followers.


Everyone loves a winner

Engage your followers with contests, reveal secret discounts, provide exclusive offers and bring the brand to life with prizes limited to your Snapchat audience.


Test and measure

Like all marketing platforms, test and measure the success of your marketing activities by measuring the results. The easiest way to measure the effectiveness of your Snapchat efforts is to reveal a secret discount and see how many people redeem it.


Interested in Snapchat for your business?

Let’s talk.


See you next week



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