
  8 social platforms you may not have known existed.

  8 social platforms you may not have known existed.

Think social media starts and ends with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat?

Think again.

There are thousands of social platforms and online communities that engage their audiences in different pockets of the Internet. While they might not be as widely knows as Facebook and Instagram the below provide millions of people, programmers and creatives minds with valuable content you would previously had to scour the Internet for.




500px is an online community focused on helping photographers expand their network, improve their skills and make money doing what they love. 500px enables you to take your photography to the next level. 500px is seen as a place where photographers can gain exposure, find inspiration and connect with one another.

Although you must have a paid membership the small fee is well and truly made up for in the levels of exposure and money making potential you receive.




Behance is an online portfolio platform, that falls under the Adobe family; where the creative community can upload and showcase their work. It enables the creators to upload and broadcast their work from one place and provides them with the opportunity to be discovered. Companies on the other hand may use Behance as a platform to explore and source creative work and talent on a global scale. Behance is also a job seeker/talent sourcing website where recruiters can advertise job opportunities and job seekers can look for work.




Bitbucket is an online hosting service for source code and developmental projects that use either Mecurial or Git (since 2011) revision control systems.

Bitbucket is built for professional teams and allows active-active clustering for high availability and Git mirroring for performance across geographically distributed teams meaning that people on opposite sides of the world may work on a program simultaneously without disrupting the other person. The added in branch level permissions means that you are about to limit errors created by controlling the actions certain users in the team can perform.

Bitbucket offers both free and paid accounts and is a major competitor to Git.




Github is a software developing website that allows you to experiment with and work on personal projects; it also hosts one of the largest collections of open source software. Which enables like-minded people to create, manage and work on some of today’s most influential technologies.

Github provides three main services – personal, open source communities and business. It provides a smarter was of working together by enabling users to plan, build, review and ship software all while identifying bugs and kinks in your software and discussing ideas with other developers.

Github is designed to encourage close communication and collaboration within development teams. To this end it includes features like highlighted code comments and collaborative code review.




Imbd is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, IMBD stands for internet movie database and is an online database of information related to films, tv shows and video games. It provides lists of movie/tv show casts, film crews, biographies, plot lines, transnational agreements and film houses. Imbd also provides readers with trivia and famous quotes from the shows, reviews and plot summaries.


Stack Overflow


Stack Overflow is an online programmer community of over 6.7 million users that enables programmers to learn, share their knowledge with others and advance in their careers. Developers use Stack Overflow to help solve coding problems they may be having with their designs and to use Stack Overflow Jobs which is a jobs seeker site.

The Stack Overflow website and its products are committed to enriching the lives of their users and to help the developers as they grow and mature in their careers. Stack Overflow sees over 40 million visitors each month, is the flagship site of the Stack Exchange network which is home to over 150 Q&A sites dedicated to niche topics.




Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, edited and organized into relevant user communities. Its mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge by bringing together people from different worlds to answer the same question, in the same place — and to learn from each other. Its aim is for Quora to be the place to voice your opinion, because they believe Quora is where the debate is happening. Ultimately the aim is for the Quora answer to be the definitive answer for everybody forever.

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