An Instagram contest is a great way boost to your social media marketing. A simple contest can generate the same reach, engagement and increase in followers as hundreds of pieces of content, saving you time and money. But what types of contests can you run and do they work?
3 Types of Instagram Contests
1. Like to WIN contests
In a “like to win” contest; simply ask for an Instagram user to like an update. All those who do will be entered automatically into the contest.
E.g.: “Double tap for your chance to WIN X”
To increase engagement on this style of contest simple add a tag a friend option.
E.g: “Double tap and tag a friend for your chance to WIN X”
2. Hashtag user-generated content contests
For a hashtag user-generated content (UGC) contest, create a contest-specific hashtag for example #KISSmesocial and ask participants to share a photo or video using that hashtag to enter.
3. Email-Gated Contests
To run an email-gated Instagram contest, ask participants for their email address to enter. An email-gated contest can ask for a follow or UGC in addition to the email lead.
In theory these are the contests you most want, however it does create a barrier to entry. Most people can be cagey when it comes to handing over their details too quickly. Make sure you assess the objectives of the campaign before choosing the type of contest you wish to run.
3 brands that got it right
Dunkin Donuts
During Halloween Dunkin’ Donuts ran a photo competition that encouraged people to post an image of Halloween dressed coffee cups.
By using the hashtag #DresseDD users could enter themselves for the chance to win a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.
Tony Hawk
Pro skater Tony Hawk hides skateboards in random spots then posts a photo of the landmark with a clue as to the location. Followers who recognise the landmark and get there first score a free, signed board.
After artist Jamie Hewlett created limited edition vodka bottles, Absolut gave several away using Instagram.
As the bottles were called Absolut London, users had to tweet a photo of something that sums of up one of London’s greatest features, adding the #absolutlondon hashtag plus one of these categories: #london, #entertainer, #music, #entrepreneur, or #fashion.
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