
What’s up with Facebook?

What’s up with Facebook?

Seriously Simple News – This week’s top social media updates in delicious, bite-sized pieces.

Instagram and IGTV publishing now available in Facebook’s Creator Studio

Yas! You heard it correctly. You can now upload and publish Instagram and IGTV posts from your desktop via Facebook Creator Studio.

The new feature has been rolling out to users over the past month, though it looks to have been expanded more broadly this week, so if you don’t have it yet, you likely will soon.

Instagram rolls out AR filter creation tools to all users

Spark AR, Facebook’s augmented reality effects builder tool, will now allow anyone to create a custom face filter and other effects for Instagram Stories.

The AR tool was previously limited to approved creators. But now, as reported by TheVerge, anyone can create and upload their own AR filters to Instagram Stories.

To discover new effects, users will now find a new “Browse Effects” option at the end of the effects tray in the Instagram Camera.

Facebook mobile ads are changing

As of this week, social media network Facebook has changed their mobile ad creative specifications.

Find the latest specs guide here.

Facebook to remove Group Chats feature

It’s official! Facebook has announced the group chat functionality that was only launched in October 2018 will be removed.

The reason?

The current product infrastructure doesn’t support Chats in Groups directly in the Facebook app, which can no longer support this feature. 

That said, we are exploring new ways to support real-time communication for Groups, but don’t have any details to share about those future plans just yet.” – Facebook.

 Facebook shares how to use ad relevance diagnostics

Earlier this year, Facebook announced single ad relevance scores would be replaced with three new metrics. Why? To provide more detailed ad performance data.

According to Facebook, the new metrics have now rolled out to almost all advertisers.

And to help, Facebook has provided this handy table to help with interpreting a given combination of ad relevance diagnostics.

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