
5 Easy Tricks to Mastering the Flat Lay

5 Easy Tricks to Mastering the Flat Lay

If you, like us, love Instagram you would have noticed that #flatlay is the Instaway to photograph your Instagram content.

The flat lay technique is a simple way of showcasing multiple pieces in a single image. A good flat lay is carefully constructed and pieced together with purpose to tell a story.

Want to master the flat lay?

Capture the attention of your audience with these 5 easy tips that will have you flat laying like an expert in no time!

  1. Choose your background wisely

Opt for a minimalistic background that complements the featured products and doesn’t overwhelm the image.

Simple backgrounds are a go-to, especially if you wish to include multiple objects in a photo. K.I.S.S favourites are wooden bench tops, clean marble and stark white.

  1. Lighting is everything

Have you ever tried to take a photo that looked amazing in real life but didn’t translate through the lens? Natural daylight, either in the morning or mid-afternoon, is the best source of light for flat lay photos as there is less chance of shadows.

  1. Less is more. Always

Composition is key. Leave space between each object to ensure your image is not cluttered and your featured products are emphasised.

  1. Use a square template

The number one rule of flat lays is to always shoot the photo in a square, such as the one available on your iPhone camera. Not only does this simplify the process as you can easily see what fits in the frame, it also saves time later on as you won’t need to worry about cropping.

  1. Find your style

Be consistent with a single theme. Your flat lay should tell a story or capture a specific moment, so ensure every piece contributes to your story and aligns with your brand. Experiment with different light, apps, composition and backgrounds to find your flat lay personality.


Use these five tips you’ll be well on your way to conquering flat lay.

Now grab your phone and get snapping!


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See you next week,



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